Your answer to this question will be determinant for the future of your group or your firm.
When you start from scratch, it is crucial to be well advised. FL Executive Search’s boutique helps you to define your needs in every detail, to assure you to recruit the right person for your development.
The guarantee of a successful recruitment is the precise definition of the need. This is why it is so important to well describe the project, the professional challenges of the future candidate.
François Lebailly, Founder of FL Executive Search
Creating a new role with a strategic purpose
On a new function or highly strategical, the decision to create a new post very often starts with a dialogue, a new idea or a more global reflection : the company is missing something, but what ?

In every company, from the growing start-up to the major international corporations, FL Executive Search will study with you diverse options :

  • – The need to create a new managerial or support function to answer to an activity development.

  • – The desire to conquer new local, digital or international markets with a strategical repositioning or a new location.

  • – The need to transform the very structure of the organization, for example going from a traditional organization in silos to an agile organization, client oriented.

  • – To answer to a dysfunction which slows down the development of the company or generate a strong internal dissatisfaction or with the clients.

  • – The imperative to solve a major crisis by recruiting a true leader, capable to make a company profitable again.

The guarantee of a successful recruitment, is a good definition of the need. The more it is clear and precise, the more the candidates presented will match with your issues and bring you an added value on the long-term.

It is also essential to understand the context of your recruitment, your values and your ambitions, to let the candidate joining your project beyond the job description and the proposed salary.
A tailored approach for your search of candidates
This reflection phase will very often suppose the meeting of the stakeholders within the company with our Executive Search boutique.
. For example, we cannot allow to recruit a new promising element if there is an important gap of vision between the Human Resources Manager and the Operational Manager on the new position. Are you looking for shaking things up ? Re-motivating the team ? Bringing a new vision to the company ? Or simply improving the existing one by looking for external skills ?
These questions, far from being insignificant, will help us to identify the best candidate for your project and unravel potential blockages before even starting the search of talents.
We will take all the time necessary to offer you the best results and guarantee you a successful recruitment.
Managing an opening of positions from the recruitment to the final integration
Recruitment is above all, a matter of meetings.
Once the need is perfectly defined, the direct approach of the most promising profiles starts. Our headhunters located in Paris are going to « talk to the French and international markets », that means spotting the profiles, calling them, creating new contact opportunities… until the identification of the most promising candidates and the most likely to join your company.
Then, the talents are getting evaluated and selected according to their technical and relational skills, and their cultural affinities with the targeted company. If they are convinced by the project, they are presented to our client.
High potential talent, confirmed domain expert, multilingual strategic potential… the choice then is in your hands !
To assure the success of your recruitment, our consultants will coach your new senior executive or domain expert in his or her onboarding, and this, until the end of the trial period.
For more than 15 years, the FL Executive Search boutique advises you and supports you during all your recruitment process ; a performance guarantee for your company